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Methylated Spirits


Categories: /SKU: V-SPI0100/


Methylated Spirits, also known as denatured alcohol, is a versatile solvent with a wide range of applications. Derived from ethyl alcohol, it is mixed with denaturants to render it unfit for consumption, making it exempt from liquor taxes. Methylated Spirits is commonly used as a solvent for cleaning and degreasing surfaces, removing grease, dirt, and grime effectively. It is also utilized as a fuel for camping stoves and alcohol burners due to its high flammability. Additionally, Methylated Spirits serves as a solvent in the formulation of various household products such as paints, varnishes, and shellacs. Its fast-evaporating nature makes it a popular choice for thinning paints and cleaning brushes. Whether for industrial, household, or recreational use, Methylated Spirits is valued for its effectiveness and versatility.

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750ml, 5LT


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